Remote Experiences Can Be Awesome

Spivey Experiences designs remote-friendly team bonding events, and social and professional development programming through a network of over 100 vetted experience providers and professionals.

Burnout is real.

From a survey of 2,868 respondents about the shift to remote work during this pandemic, only 64% said they had high-quality collaboration with remote colleagues and only 56% said they felt closely connected to their teammates (Source)

We can do better.

Strengthen Culture In A Remote Environment

Remote work is here to stay. This means employee engagement, retention and wellness are more important than ever in a remote work environment. While there are many benefits with remote workforce, including cost savings for employers and employees, there are also challenges that individuals and teams face with a new environment where the dynamics of family, social interaction, and business all intersect in the same space. The result is increased burnout and a decreased connection to teams and to an employer.

Optimizing your remote workforce requires keeping teams connected while also reinforcing culture of your organization so employee morale and retention remain high. Spivey Experiences are designed to help your employees adapt to a remote work world and are customized to best fit your needs and culture -benefitting your employees, your brand, and your bottom line.


Team-building conversations

Team-building conversations

Virtual Cooking Classes

Virtual Cooking Classes

Current Clients
